Clément Quinton
40 Avenue Halley, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Tel: +33 359 358 770
I am associate professor (HDR) at University of Lille, member of the Spirals group, a joint team between University of Lille within the CRIStAL research center and Inria. Before joining University of Lille, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Politecnico di Milano. I hold a MSc. in Computer Science from University of Montpellier, and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Lille. Prior to the PhD, I spent two years as a software engineer developing tools and apps for smartphones.
Most of my publication preprints are freely accessible from [HAL].
- Our paper on Imputing Missing Values in Univariate Time Series is accepted for publication in Neural Computing and Applications. To appear. 2025. - Our paper on Taming the Variability of Browser’s Fingerprint is accepted at SPLC'24. - Our paper investigating the Performance of LLM-Generated code on Leetcode is accepted at EASE'24. - Our paper on Understanding the Performance-Energy Tradeoffs of Object-Relational Mapping Frameworks is accepted at SANER'24. - I now hold an "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches".
Supervised PhD students
[2024-2027] Brell Sanwouo. On AI-based Self-Adaptive Systems. [2022-2025] Maxime Huyghe. Automated software testing to improve the privacy of browsers. [2022-2025] Tristan Coignion. Emerging development paradigms to support cloud-based micro-services deployment. [2022-2025] Alexandre Bonvoisin. Frugal software architecture for deploying cloud native micro-services. ------- [2020-2023] Edouard Guégain. Configuration-driven Software Optimization. [2017-2020] Zeinab Abou-Khalil. Studying the evolution of the bug handling process in large open source ecosystems.